Monday, November 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

King Stars

Schedule of Activities - Fall 2008

(click to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Teacher Luncheon

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hello Teachers!

You are invited to come to lunch in the King Library and learn all about our LACER Homework Club. We'll tell you about our special programs like Math Matters and showcase our on-line tutoring program.

Come join us for an informative time, we'll be glad to answer any of your questions. Also, if you know of any students who would benefit from being in our Afterschool Program, applications will be available at the event.

Food will be provided!

For more information please contact the King LACER Office at (323) 664-6769

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day Dance Yesterday

We sponsored the Valentine's Day Dance held yesterday in the Boys Gym. We hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day. Thank you all for coming and showing your support for LACER and King.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Congratulations to Zach

Our 2007 Spelling Bee finalist.

Congratulations from everyone at LACER.

California State Standards Test Preparation

California State Standards testing for tracks A & B

The LACER after-school program is working with Compass Learning to help students at King to prepare for the mathematics portion of the California Standards Test (C.S.T.). We are making this computer-based test preparation available to any student at King who wants or needs to take advantage of it.

We have created modules for 6th, 7th and 8th graders based upon the relevant California standards. Students are assigned these modules when they enroll in the training and most LACER students are already enrolled. We would, however, like to make this training available to every student at King.

In order to access the training materials, the student needs a USER NAME and a PASSWORD, which we will supply. He or she can then log on to the program and complete a short quiz, which will determine what areas of math he or she can improve in. The Compass Learning program will then assign the student the appropriate exercises in those areas; what Compass calls a “Learning Path.”

The entire process is very simple and straightforward and the LACER Homework Club staff will assist students who are not familiar with the Compass Program in learning how to get the most from the program. Students can log on and do their test preparation from the computers in the King library during LACER hours and/or from their homes and neighborhood libraries in the evenings and on weekends.

We are happy to offer this support to King teachers and students. If you have any questions feel free to stop by the Homework Club in the King library.
(M. W. Th. F., 3:30pm to 6:00pm; Tu, 1:45pm to 5:00pm).


Bob Brooks
Noah Kayser

For information:
LACER Office: (323) 957-6481 Fax: (323) 957-6480